Deployment Services for Your Remote Workforce

As organizations continue to navigate the waters of the current crisis, adjustments may need to be made as the workforce returns to the new reality. Businesses may have more remote employees, partners and vendors as their operations are more dispersed.

Amidst the pandemic, a New Jersey-based provider of online trading services wanted to reach out to its remote employees to remind them that they are valued. The company needed a manageable way to distribute Apple AirPods to its 600-plus employees worldwide.

Partnering with FUSION OF IDEAS, the organization shipped the devices to FUSION OF IDEAS, where the AirPods were warehoused until ready to ship. An online portal was created for the company’s employees to enter their shipping address. AirPods were kitted and individually shipped to the employees across the globe. 

Having all the logistics of this project managed in one centralized location allowed this global company to seamlessly deploy AirPods to more than 650 employees in 11 countries. With this program, the company leaders made a positive impact on employees during a critical time. 

FUSION OF IDEAS orchestrates personalized, scalable deployment solutions, whether you need a one-time deployment service or an ongoing program to empower your remote workforce. 

With our Deployment Services, logistical tasks like finding a secured facility to store inventory and shipping to multiple destinations can be manageable and centralized. For more information about how we can mobilize your workforce, email or call us at 949-453-0740.

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