2020 Holiday Gifting Highlights

Customized wireless earbuds…smart speakers…UV smartphone sanitizers… wireless phone chargers…

Personalized insert tags with thoughtful messages from company leadership…

Individual shipping of gifts directly to recipient’s doorsteps…


These are just some of the creative and thoughtful gifting projects we worked on over the holiday season. We continue to be inspired by our clients.

Click on the video below to see a few highlights from our 2020 holiday gifting season.

For more on our Corporate Gifting program, visit www.fusionofideas.com/gifting.

7 Habits of a Thoughtful Gift-Giver

If you’re wondering whether or not a corporate gifting program is appropriate for this odd year, the answer is yes! 

In today’s times of working from home and virtual conferences, it’s more important than ever to create personal connections and engage your clients and employees. They want to know they are being thought of and that they are appreciated. 

For many businesses, planning the annual corporate gifting program can be stressful. There are many things to consider such as budget, the gift itself, and even the logistics of how gifts will be delivered, particularly since the workforce may be remote this year.

But it’s important to remember that in corporate gifting, the gift itself is never the principal message. Rather the gift is a tangible asset that helps communicate the message of appreciation, thoughtfulness and connection. It’s not surprising to hear that when recipients note a business gift as memorable, the gift’s return on investment increases by 40 percent

As we enter this gift-giving season, we want to share 7 habits of thoughtful gift-givers to help your company stand out from the crowd:

Plan ahead.

Simply put, don’t wait until the last minute to plan and execute your corporate gifting program. There are two main benefits to planning ahead: you have more gift options to choose from and you save on budget by not having to utilize rush shipping. If you haven’t gotten started on your gifting program this year, begin now.

Don’t focus on the cost.

Consider how much you routinely spend taking a client out for a nice meal or entertainment. Yet, when it comes to gifts, businesses tend to figure out how little they can spend. Particularly since many companies are forgoing large holiday gatherings this year, use that budget toward “first-class” gifts for your employees and VIP clients.

Consider the usefulness of the gift.

A practical gift is one that shows thoughtfulness because it can be used year-round. Our best advice: Avoid poor-quality items that can easily break or one-time use products and your gift will be repurposed throughout the year! 

Make it personal.

If you prefer not to put your company logo front and center on a product, you can still offer a gentle reminder of who the gift came from by adding your logo on a subtle location on the gift. Another way to personalize and make the recipient feel special is by printing the recipient’s name or family name on the product. Personalization shows that you took time to personally think of the recipient and that gift is not part of mass distribution.

Think about the presentation.

Creating a memorable unboxing experience shows that you put thought into the gift from beginning to end. How the gift is presented to your recipient is just as important as the gift itself. Many components go into the presentation of a gift, from the packaging to gift wrap and even a personal greeting or tag.

Make it easy to receive.

Because many in the workforce are still working from home, getting a pleasant surprise in the mailbox or on the doorstep can make a person’s day. Using a shipping partner to deliver your gift directly to the recipient pays off as it shows consideration and thoughtfulness. 

Enjoy the gift of gift-giving.

A thoughtful gift giver does not think about what he or she will get in return. Gift-giving is about showing that you thought about them enough to take time and money to purchase a gift. You do it because you want to show your gratitude and not because you expect something in return.

For ideas on our highly-rated business gifts for 2020, visit our Corporate Gifting site at www.fusionofideas.com/gifting.