Seven Ways to Bridge Communication Gaps
Bridging The Gap
Learn how mobile apps and software support physicians and their patients.
The medical industry has been changing rapidly over the past decade with new technological advancements like telemedicine, mHealth, electronic health records (EHR), and more. These changes have improved efficiency, saved time for physicians and patients alike while also increasing patient satisfaction rates.


Cloud computing offers flexibility, scalability, security, reliability, and accessibility, all of which are essential characteristics for successful business operations. Cloud platforms enable medical businesses to streamline internal processes and integrate external data.

At the same time, they protect against downtime and unauthorized access to your clinical information. Online file storage systems like iCloud are now more integrated platforms than ever, allowing doctors and patients sync and view photos, calendars, contacts, and notebooks.


Software systems have become increasingly popular among hospitals as well as private practices due to its ability to organize information from multiple sources into one central location.

They can even store all of a provider's notes together, so they aren't lost between visits. Having this data available at once makes it easier for you to access the right information when treating different types of conditions or illnesses.

Additionally, many database systems allow users to easily search through large amounts of data using natural language queries. For instance, if someone enters “I am having pain somewhere in my chest,” then the system would return results related to those symptoms instead of just returning everything it could find.

Clinical software companies recognize this trend towards digitizing documentation and are now creating platforms designed specifically to bridge the gap between medical professionals and patients. However, despite being convenient, secure, and efficient, software-based filing systems don’t always work as intended because of human error. Sometimes mistakes happen, which may result in somewhat inaccurate diagnoses or missed opportunities for improvement.

That’s where third-party audits play a critical role—ensuring accurate information is shared quickly and efficiently throughout the organization. Audits are becoming increasingly common in industries ranging from accounting to manufacturing but haven’t yet made their way into medicine until recently.

By auditing database software, organizations can ensure accuracy while reducing errors in billing or erroneous prescriptions. This in turn results in bridging the gap between doctors and their patients.


Telehealth services offer another avenue for bettering customer experience. When used properly, these solutions give doctors and nurses remote locations to perform physical examinations, tests, consultations, and treatments.

The most advanced technologies include live video calls and 2D/3D maps to show what a specific injury looks like vs healthy tissues and organs. Patients who use these services typically don’t require scheduling physical appointments because the process happens virtually via Skype, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, or Zoom.

While telehealth may seem impersonal to some, studies have shown that patients still receive high levels of comfort during virtual visits compared to traditional office encounters. Furthermore, telehealth reduces wait times and overall expenses for insurance plans.


When something goes wrong during surgery, emergency room visit, or any similar clinical situation, it’s frustrating and stressful to get updates on how things have turned out afterwards. Fortunately, modern technology allows hospitals and clinics to send automated notifications whenever anything unusual occurs.

If you've visited a hospital before, chances are good that you've seen these popups appear on your computer screen asking whether you want to review the event that occurred.

But this isn't necessarily limited to alerting people directly after events occur. Many digital devices utilize smart alerts, almost like a form of “conditional formatting,” that change color based on certain criteria. So, say your patient is walking down the street and notices that their phone begins vibrating with each step because they’ve reached 10,000 steps per day. They can set the app to display a certain color of text every time they reach that goal, along with a congratulatory message.

In a similar vein, because these messages are sent automatically, your patients won’t miss out on any important updates from you even if they don’t unlock their device’s screen immediately.


In addition to emails, smartphone apps involving the use of barcode scanners can also aid in communication between patients and doctors. One of the latest trends includes mobile barcode scanning. Barcodes contain extremely small lines of code that act as unique identifiers. A scanner scans these codes by shining light onto the object and detecting reflected signals.

Once recognized, the patient can receive pertinent information and can navigate to the proper website. Using barcodes gives patients greater control over their own personal information and frees up time for you, as a healthcare professional, to concentrate on more pressing matters.

Aside from saving time, barcodes have several additional advantages. First, they prevent misidentification of patients. Second, they eliminate the risk of losing patient charts or forgetting vital information. Thirdly, they can link patients to their online profiles containing sensitive health information.

And finally, they save space in the waiting room/holding areas by eliminating the need for extra forms or folders. Currently, there are two main options for implementing this technology: QR Codes or NFC tags. Both methods rely on readers that convert images into readable text; however, NFC requires special hardware, whereas QR Code works with any standard cell phone camera.


One of the biggest challenges facing physicians today is keeping track of numerous patient records. EHR software can help alleviate this issue by organizing information—that simply cannot be lost or mishandled in ways that paper charts can.

Nonetheless, even though EHR platforms continue to grow in popularity, paper-based recordkeeping remains commonplace. Due to its simplicity and low cost, maintaining old-school patient charts provides an excellent opportunity for savings.

It doesn't take long for outdated charts to fall victim to water damage, theft, or fire. To combat this problem, many institutions are transitioning away from handwritten documents altogether and choosing to invest in robust EHR solutions.

EHR software can help increase a physician’s productivity by allowing them to spend less time with hardcopy paperwork and instead focus their attention on providing care. This means that you can see your patients sooner after an appointment, which in turn is advantageous for both parties. With mobile app technology, there's no reason why your patients should ever feel neglected or unimportant when it comes to receiving quality medical care.

Another benefit of EHR programs is that they make it easy to share documents across departments without wasting valuable staff hours manually copying and sending files back and forth. They also reduce costs since fewer employees are needed to handle paper copies and filing cabinets. Lastly, EHR software often come equipped with features such as checklists for procedures and reminders for follow-ups and appointments, thereby making sure all parties involved in your patients’ care stay accountable.


Smartphone apps let us stay connected anywhere and everywhere, and this is true for healthcare too. Today's mobile apps can connect patients to specialists who answer questions nonstop. Instead of spending money on expensive equipment, you can simply send relevant content to your patients’ inboxes. Some examples of useful email topics include helpful articles, expert tips, news stories, and general clinic announcements.

As a doctor, you can also incorporate short videos showing patients exactly what they'll expect after undergoing various procedures or recovering from illness. That said, smartphone applications (apps) have revolutionized how physicians communicate with their patients.

Doctors can use such apps to create custom portals explaining complex medical concepts and procedures. Apps are particularly beneficial for busy physicians who struggle to remember details themselves.

Medical apps are a big part of modern medicine, making life easier for doctors. But they’re also hugely beneficial to patients, helping them manage their condition at every stage of diagnosis and treatment. Here’s how medical app technology on phones is transforming healthcare:

Apps are now a crucial part of patient care. They can help detect health issues early, monitor vital signs, provide remote feedback, and even deliver medication via auto-injectors. These mobile apps can also boost healthcare professionals' productivity, so they spend less time on paperwork while delivering better patient outcomes.

There are already so many apps designed for healthcare professionals alone, as well as millions of apps intended for other audiences. And, the growth of mobile health technology continues to shoot upwards.

Healthcare professional apps are also growing rapidly when compared to consumer-facing ones. Because of this, many healthcare organizations are embracing the use of mobile health technologies to improve patient care and the quality of life. Mobile health (mHealth) offers patients an opportunity for earlier detection, improved monitoring, and more comprehensive follow-ups.

This type of technology also may be a key strategy for improving the affordability and accessibility of health services in low-resource settings where access to smartphones exists, but laptops or desktop computers don’t.

All these benefits of technology are especially important when trying to provide exceptional service within limited resources. In other words, we need tools like mobile apps to keep up with our fast-paced society where people expect immediate results, not to mention the quest to bridge the gap between patient and physician.

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